Are you worried that your drinking habits might affect the cost of your life insurance? It is possible that you are right, and your insurance might be unaffordable if you seem to be at high risk of death. But just how much of a drinking problem is too much? What about casual drinkers? You might have a lot of questions regarding drinking alcohol and insurance, but rest assured, they can all be easily answered. Even your toughest questions about your personal situation all have easy answers.
It is a fact that simply being a heavy drinker will not cause you to have high life insurance rates. Most insurance providers do not have policies that have anything to do with your drinking habits. Your drinking habits are private, and they do not have to be revealed to your insurance company at all. But the real point of the matter is, how does your drinking affect your health? What insurance companies are really concerned about is if you are at risk of suffering an early death. If you are, they will want to raise the rate of your life insurance, usually to ridiculously unaffordable prices. Just what is the price of your life if you are at risk? That is for your insurance company to decide. All you have control over is your habits, and what you are doing to make them higher. If you take care of yourself, you will live longer, spend more time with your family, and save money on term insurance.
One thing that insurance companies will look at when it comes to your alcohol consuming habits is the damage it might have already done to your body. A simple blood test will be able to tell life insurance companies if you have had an increase in liver enzymes, which indicate alcohol use. If you have liver problems, or heart problems as a result of your alcohol consumption, or if you have a history of DUIs, you will have an increase in your insurance rates. These kinds of things definitely put you at risk for premature death, which is what you and your insurance provider would want to avoid at all costs.
Needless to say, you should limit your alcohol intake. Not only will it help you get better life insurance for an affordable price, but you will also feel better and live better. It can never hurt to be healthier. If blood tests reveal that your liver is becoming healthier after a few months, there is a chance that you will be able to lower your insurance rates. If you drink less, you will be healthier, even if only by a small amount. It really does pay to be healthy. Get an insurance quote from multiple insurance providers, and you will be able to see which will give you the best deal and the most coverage, even despite any heavy alcohol drinking habits.